Continuing your Embroidery Education is very important and is vital to your overall Embroidery Business Success!

Do you ever get the feeling that you just do not have the time to sit down and learn something new? Are you just so busy doing the day to day stuff that keeps the customers happy and coming back that you feel trapped?

I know that very same feeling and I have found that if I take out just a few minutes each day for learning something new or refreshing my memory, that it actually rejuvenates me and gives me a huge lift!

Continuing your embroidery education is something that is vital to your Embroidery Business Success. Do you feel like you just cannot keep up on all of the new processes, applications and products that are changing so quickly?

There are some things that never change! They are the basics! The basics of creating designs and embroidery application do not change. Its those basics that we sometimes forget, and we need to refresh our memory with from time to time.

Do not let your embroidery video training programs, articles, and other embroidery information that you have saved, gather dust on your shelf. Take them out and review them from time to time so that you can remember those basics. They are the foundation of great embroidery and those basics will never change!

Joyce Jagger
The Embroidery Coach