If You Do Not Understand Underlay Stitching, Read This Immediately!

Embroidery Underlay Stitching - Learn How To Use Embroidery Underlay Stitching In Your
Embroidery Designs!

Which Type Of Underlay Stitching Should You Use?

From: Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach
Re: Helping you understand how to use the right Embroidery Underlay Stitching!

As a business owner wanting to learn how to digitize my own designs, I was so confused and did not know how to get the answers that I needed as to how to use Embroidery Underlay Stitching.  I attended several workshops at tradeshows and spent many hours experimenting with different settings in my software before I finally was able to understand and grasp the concept of using the right Underlay Stitching for my embroidery designs and even simple embroidery setups.

Until I fully understood how to use Underlay Stitching, and how to cope with the issues of underlay stitching, creating a single embroidery design to my satisfaction took many hours and was extremely stressful.  I would apply one type of underlay, sew it out, apply another type and sew it out and keep going through this process until I was finally happy with the design.

Underlay Stitching is the most important and most underrated element of creating your design.  Like anything else that is built, you need a good foundation and underlay stitching is the foundation of your embroidery.

Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach is an expert in Embroidery Business Training and currently has the longest-running Embroidery Coaching Program on the Internet.

  • Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery CoachShe had her own multi-head embroidery shop for over 20 years.
  • For the past 20 years, she has trained hundreds of embroiderers to build their own successful embroidery businesses and now has successful embroidery students all over the world.
  • She wrote the book “The Truth About Embroidery Business Success” from her own experience as an embroidery business owner and from working with other embroiderers.

Joyce is very dedicated to helping embroiderers become their best and she wants to change the way that embroiderers think about their business and charge what they should be charging for their products and services. She is here to help you get your embroidery business started and offer advice in order for you to avoid costly learning curves!

Knowing Which Type Of Embroidery Underlay Stitching Is So Confusing!  What Should I Use For Simple Embroidery Setups?

You have your embroidery machine and software, you've started your embroidery business, but you're having some problems with your basic design setups!  They just do not have the crispness or the quality appearance that is so important when trying to build your business and get repeat business. You know you need to learn how to use embroidery underlay stitching but you really do not know where to begin. It can be so confusing with so many choices in your software!

Introducing: "Learn The Secrets Of Embroidery Underlay Stitching!"

Embroidery Underlay Stitching

"Learn the Secrets of Embroidery Underlay Stitching" is an online video training program teaching you exactly what you need to know about creating the correct embroidery underlay stitching for all of your basic embroidery design setups and more advanced digitized embroidery designs.

Learning to understand Underlay Stitching is not hard.  The simple methods that I teach and the illustrations and files that I share are easy to follow so that all embroiderers, new and seasoned, can understand and remember!

Learning how to use Underlay Stitching in your embroidery designs is critical if you want to produce the type of designs that really make your business stand out above the crowd!  You will discover why you need to use Underlay Stitching and what settings to use for your different situations, fabrics and design applications.

Leaning to understand the concept of Underlay Stitching will help you create designs that will sew better, look better and make your whole embroidery life a lot easier!

Learning To Understand The Concept of Embroidery Underlay Stitching Will Help You Create Designs That Will Sew Better, Look Better and Bring Customers Back for More!

You will learn the 5 Basic Functions of Underlay Stitching and why each one is so important!

I will teach you the 4 Basic Rules of Underlay Stitching that will make it much easier to apply the correct underlay stitching for each type of design!

You will learn what type of Underlay Stitching to use for each type of embroidery situation or fabric type!

I will show you why your lettering appears to sew out unevenly and how to correct it!


Basic Block Font With Underlay Stitching Added

The top line does not have any underlay.  The bottom line has underlay stitching added.  Although Pull Compensation and Underlay Stitching work together and are required in almost every embroidery design, I did not add any pull compensation, change the density or do any other editing.  This is only the result of adding the correct Underlay Stitching.  This design has been increased by more than 2 times, the actual design width is only 3.5 inches. This was sewn on a knit fabric with no topping added.  This is not a great photo, but I wanted you to see the difference that the correct Underlay Stitching can make in your Embroidery Font Lettering. Knowing which underlay stitching to use gives you a bolder, more crisp look!

Embroidery Underlay Stitching

  • I will share with you when to increase or decrease your Underlay stitch length!
  • Some situations and fabrics require more underlay than others. I show you when to increase or decrease your Underlay Stitching density!
  • I will teach you when to use Automatic Underlay Stitching from your embroidery software and when it is necessary to use or create Manual Underlay Stitching!
  • Stop Puckering In The Design by using the correct underlay for the type of fabric.  If you use the wrong underlay stitching or too much underlay stitching your design will pucker or pull up.
  • Once you understand how to use the correct Underlay Stitching, you will be able to change your settings to work for whatever fabric you are going to use. Your designs for knits and for woven fabrics require different settings.

Sample of Design That Had The Underlay Applied Incorrectly For The Type Of Fabric It Was Sewn On!

The only difference between these 2 designs is the type of Embroidery Underlay Stitching.  When I changed the type of underlay to what was needed for this nylon fabric, it sewed out much smoother and had fewer stitches.  The top design had 4037 stitches and the bottom design had 3284 stitches.

It is extremely important to understand which type of Underlay Stitching you need to use for a design, depending on the fabric and style and size of a font.  Without that, it is impossible to create a design that is going to be production friendly and make the customer happy and come back for more!

You Too Can Learn The Secrets To Understand and Apply The Right Underlay Stitching That Is A Must In Today's Corporate World!

"Learn the Secrets of Embroidery Underlay Stitching" is an online video training program teaching you exactly what you need to know about creating the correct embroidery underlay stitching for all of your basic embroidery designs setups and more advanced digitized embroidery designs.

Learning to understand Underlay Stitching is not hard.  The simple methods that I teach and the illustrations and files that I share are easy to follow so that all embroiderers, new and seasoned, can understand and remember!

Can you afford NOT to know how to add the correct underlay stitching to your embroidery designs? Learn the Secrets of how to apply the correct Embroidery Underlay Stitching for all of your embroidery designs and embroidery design setups!

 With Your Purchases Today, You Will Receive The Following Bonuses!

Design Files to sew out so that you can see how adding the correct underlay stitching makes such a difference!

Checklist To Determine Quality of Design - When you get a design back from the digitizer or if you have digitized the design yourself, there are some key factors that you need to look for when you are determining the quality of your small lettering and embroidery designs! This checklist will help you determine how well the design or lettering set up will stitch out!


100% Money Back Guarantee

We have an iron clad 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!  If you are not satisfied with what you are taught in this "Learn The Secrets of Embroidery Underlay Stitching" Online Video Training Program, your money will be refunded, no questions asked!

Here Is A Quick Overview of What You Will Be Receiving When You Purchase the "Learn The Secrets Of Embroidery Underlay Stitching" Online Video Training Course!

Written documentation of my presentation.
Why you should use Underlay Stitching.
Basic Functions of Underlay Stitching.
Different Types of Underlay Stitching and why you use each type.
How to Create Embroidery Underlay Stitching using the Automatic functions in
the Embroidery Software.

How to Create Underlay Stitching Manually when the automatic underlay
functions in the software do not work.

I go over examples of designs and how to create Underlay Stitching under small
• I teach you when it is important to use Manual Underlay Stitching.
• I show you how to Create Manual Underlay Stitching for Tiny Block Letters.
• I even show you how to Create Manual Underlay under a Complex Fill object with
holes in it!

A small investment of only $147 will provide you with all of the information needed to add Underlay Stitching to your embroidery design setups and digitized designs to produce the type of embroidery designs that you will be proud of and will bring in more customers!

Don't Wait Another Second! 

Order Your Copy of This Amazing "Learn The Secrets of How To Create and Apply Embroidery Underlay Stitching To Your Embroidery Designs" Online Video Training Program TODAY!

P.S. Don't let the competition get their hands on this information before you do!  If you cannot produce top quality embroidery designs you will be left behind!  Don't let that happen to you!

Get Started Learning The Secrets Of Embroidery Underlay Stitching Today!