Are You Stuck Trying To Figure Out How To Create Your Embroidery Price List?
Is This Holding Your Back From Getting The Right Customers?
Don't Wait Any Longer!

Pricing your embroidery is probably the hardest task that you have to do in your whole business at least that is how you feel! You wait on your customers, show them your samples and then they place their order. As they are placing their order, they want to know what the price is going to be. Now you are panicking! “I have to come up with an answer and they are standing right here in front of me waiting for that answer. Now what do I do?”

So many embroiderers at this point will just pull an answer right out of the air with no idea as to whether it is right or not. They are afraid if they throw out too high of a number, the person will just walk out and then they will not have the order at all. It is better to price low and get the job than to price high and take a chance on not getting the job, so they think!! Does that sound familiar?

“Get Your Embroidery Pricing Done Now Workshop Replays!”

Get Embroidery Pricing Done Workshop

Replays Now Available!

Don't Continue To Have Empty Pockets! Join Us to see how easily YOU TOO can create your Embroidery Pricing Correctly and for a profit in this easy to follow “Get Your Embroidery Pricing Done Now Workshop!”

  • No more struggling trying to get it done
  • No more feeling embarrassed when you wait on a customer and you cannot give him an instant quote. Can you imagine what that would feel like?
  • No more losing customers because you did not have an instant quote! How many times do you think you have lost sales because the customer had to wait for you quote? I can tell you that I lost a lot of sales because of this. Once I finally had it all together, there was hardly any time when I did not get the sale! My customers knew that I knew what I was doing and felt like they were in good hands! You can have same experience also!

Who is this
“Get Your Embroidery Pricing Done Now” for?

This is for the embroiderer that is tired of trying to figure out what to charge their customers!
This is for the embroiderer has been struggling to try to get it all together and just does not know where to start!
This is for the embroiderer that is unsure of their price list and wants to check to see if they are charging correctly!
This is for the embroiderer that has many pricing levels and does not know how to charge for the different levels!
This is for the embroiderer that is just starting out and wants to create a price list that is going to make a profit!
This is for ALL EMBROIDERERS that want to make money!

“Get Your Embroidery Pricing Done Now!”

The price for this special workshop “Get Your Embroidery Pricing Done Now” includes the How To Price Embroidery Program! We worked through the program to get your Price List Complete! You will be able to walk away with your main Embroidery Price List Completed and I show you how to complete the Price Lists for all of your other embroidery pricing levels.

You will finally be on your road to pricing for a profit! This is the reason you are in business! It is fun to do the embroidery, but it is even more fun to get paid for it and make a profit!!

“Get Your Embroidery Pricing Done Now”

Virtual 5 hour Workshop Replays!

Sign up for the Workshop Replays and How To Price Embroidery and be ready to complete your price lists to help you start making more of a profit in your Embroidery Business!

Only $294.00

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Sign up for the Workshop alone if you already have access to How To Price Embroidery and creating your Profitable Price List today!

Only $97.00

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You now have access to the Replays for the Embroidery Pricing Done Now Virtual Workshop!