Discover How to Create Beautiful Large and Small Monograms Using Your Standard Embroidery Fonts and True Type Fonts!"
You Can Now Offer One Of A Kind Beautiful Heirloom Monograms To Your Clients Without The Need To Purchase Expensive Monogram Packages Or Monogram Fonts!
Dear Embroidery Business Owner and Friend,
hen I first started my embroidery business I thought that I had to purchase Monogram fonts in order to create monograms. I turned down many monogram orders because I did not have the style of the monogram font that some customers were looking for and the price to purchase the monogram fonts did not justify the amount of call that I received for a certain style.
At the time I did not know how to edit lettering and I did not know where to go to get any help in this area. I did have one style monogram font but it did not suit everyone's taste. Being so frustrated with turning down orders drove me to figure out what I had to do to come up with styles that other people would like without purchasing these expensive monogram fonts.
As a result, I was able to create my own exclusive line of monograms that were not available in any embroidery shop in the area. I was also able to offer custom one of a kind monograms to my upscale clientele.
Offer Your Own Exclusive Line Of Monogram Styles!"
You too can have the ability to create your own exclusive line of monograms and be able to offer your clientele those one of a kind monograms. The best part is you can charge for a custom setup for these exclusive monograms. You no longer have to offer the same monogram styles that all of the other embroiderers are offering.
My name is Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach and I am here to show you how this is possible. I have created an on-line Embroidery Training program showing you step by step how to create those beautiful monograms that will range from 1.5 inches up to 12 inches using the same monogram! Is this possible with y our monogram fonts! These embroidery training videos can be watched over and over so that you can learn at your own pace.
Answer Yes or No to Each Question Below...
- Do you know the proper etiquette guidelines for monogram layouts?
- Do you know why the letters in the small monograms are punching holes in your fabrics?
- Can you create a complete set of monograms from y our keyboard fonts-Monograms from 1.5 inches to 12 inches?
- Do you know how to create monograms using your keyboard fonts?
- Do you know how to create monograms using True Type fonts?
- Do you know the proper placement for your monograms?
- Do you know how to make adjustments to your lettering recipes for your monograms on different types of fabrics?
If you answered NO to more than 4 questions, do not feel anxious, I can help you!
All of these questions and many more will be answered in the new online video program to show you "How to Create Beautiful Large and Small Monograms!" Learn how to create large and Small Monograms using any of your keyboard Embroidery fonts and True Type fonts. Learning to understand the concept of creating these monograms will help you to create monograms that will sew better, look better and stand out from the crowd!
This Program is Packed Full of Information to Show You How To Get Started Creating Those One-of-a-Kind Monograms!
- Learn The Proper Etiquette For Your Monogram Layouts
I show you proper etiquette for your monogram layouts for one letter, 2 letter, 3 letter and even 4 letter monograms.
- Discover The Secrets to Small Monograms On Men's and Ladies Dress Shirts!
A basic guide for creating monograms on men's and ladies' dress shirts along with the best lettering styles to use on men's shirts is provided. Following this guide will help to eliminate those small holes in fabrics.
- Learn The Secrets to Having Your Small Side Letters and Your Large Center Letters Sew Out The Same Thickness!
I will teach you how to turn your existing monogram fonts that sew out with thin side letters and a thick center letter into those beautiful satin monograms that sew out traditionally the same width.
- I Will Show You How to Create a Complete Set of Monograms!
These monograms will range from 1.5 inches to 12 inches, from Washcloth to Shower Curtain or Duvet Cover.
- Create Beautiful Monograms With Keyboard Fonts!
Keyboard fonts can be used very easily to create many great monograms! I will show you how to edit both lettering and monogram fonts so that you can create many different variations.
- Monogram Placement Guide!
The monogram placement guide will cover the Linens that you get the most requests for embroidering monograms. It includes sheets, pillowcases, towels, tablecloths, napkins, shower curtains, duvet covers, pillow shams, and more.
- Discover How to Make Adjustments to Your Monogram Recipes!
Learn how to add the correct underlay density and pull comp settings to your monograms for the different fabrics, applications, and sizes of your monograms.
I Even Have Bonuses For You!
You Can Now Offer One of a Kind Beautiful Heirloom Monograms to Your Clients Without The Need to Purchase Expensive Monogram Packages or Monogram Fonts!"
You Teach It Very Simple and Graceful"
This video on Monograms is fantastic! You have taken something so simple as we all think...3 letters make a monogram. Little did I know...You have opened a whole new world on monograms.
- How to go from very small to extremely large.
- How to use fonts that are not already set up for the embroidery machine.
- How and where to use the monograms.
- How to use them with our customers.
With all of this information, it starts to sound very complicated, but it is not! You show and teach it to be very simple and graceful. Thank You, I can't wait to see what you have for your next video!
If you are not happy with the information that I have provided in this program, I will gladly refund your money! I want you to be as happy with your How To Create Monograms video program as I am to provide it for you! It will help you to create those custom one of a kind monograms!
I understand that the How To Create Monograms video program‚ will show me how to create my own custom monograms that I can market to my clients & customers.
I understand that the How To Create Monograms video program‚ comes with a 30-day guarantee. This means my purchase is safe and if I am not entirely satisfied, The Embroidery Coach will return my money 100%.
OK, So What Is My Investment For This Powerful Embroidery Training Program?"
The price of a personal one-day session of instruction to learn how to create these Beautiful Monograms would cost you at least $1500.00 I have spent many hours condensing the same information that I teach on a personal level and packaged it so that more embroiderers have the same opportunity and skills to be able to offer their own exclusive line of monograms. The price to have a skilled digitizer create an exclusive font to range from 1.5 inches to 12 inches would be over $1,000 each. You can have all of the same benefits without the cost!
These online videos will teach you step by step how to edit your existing fonts and create those beautiful monograms! You can play the videos as many times as you need to learn how to master these simple techniques!
A small investment of only $97.00 will provide you with all of the information needed to Create your own Beautiful Large and Small Monograms with your own embroidery fonts and true type fonts. You will be able to produce the type of monograms that you will be proud of.
Click on the button below to receive instant access to "How To Create Beautiful Large and Small Monograms so that you can immediately start creating your own exclusive line of Custom Monograms!

This Is What You Will Get Inside of The Program!
Module 1 - Working With Standard Embroidery Fonts
- Video 1 -Monogram Basics - Layouts and Etiquette
- Video 2 - Creating A Monogram - Creating a simple monogram using the monogram mode in the software, creating a monogram using standard embroidery fonts, not the monogram fonts and I also show you how to create an interlocking monogram!
- Video 3 - Creating A Circle Monogram - I show you how to edit an existing monogram and create a whole set from 1.5 inches to 12 inches using the same monogram! For our example, I use a Circle Monogram
- Video 4 - Small Monogram Tips - I give you tips for embroidering small monograms on dress shirts, the best styles to use, and the best colors to use on men's shirts.
- Video 5 - Installing Fonts into the Pulse Embroidery Software - I show you how to install the Bonus Monogram font that I digitized for you directly into the Pulse Embroidery Software. If you do not have the Pulse software, you can still use the monogram font. I show you how to create the monograms from the stitch files.
- Video 6 - Creating Monograms from the Free Monogram Font that I digitized for you. I show you how to create them using the Tajima by Pulse software and I also show you how to use them if you do not have the Pulse software. You can use this font in any type of embroidery software program.
Module 2 - Creating Monograms Using True Type Fonts
- Video 1 - The Basics of Working With True Type Fonts - In this video, I show you how to work with all types of true type fonts.
- Video 2 - Editing The True Type Fonts - I show you how to open and edit a true type font so that it will work for a monogram.
- Video 3 - Creating A True Type Font Monogram - I show you how to create a monogram using the Sheer Elegance true type font.
- Video 4 - Create a Full Set of Monograms With a True Type Font - I show you how to create a full set of monograms from the Sheer Elegance monogram. This is a technique that is a real seller for high-end clientele and Interior Decorators.
- Video 5 - Closing Remarks About Monograms - In this video, I show you the difference between running a large monogram that has been edited properly and running a monogram that has just been enlarged and had the stitch pattern changed!

"You Will Be The Talk Of The Town!"