Would You Like To Know the Simple Steps For Setting Up Your Embroidery Business For Success?

Are You Sick And Tired Of Struggling to Make Ends Meet?
Do You Feel Like You Are Running In Circles?

From the Desk of: Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach
Re: Lack of Organization and Systems for Setting Up Your Embroidery Business For Success!

The idea of having your own embroidery business is fun and exciting but when you first started your business, did Frustrated Embroidereryou stop to think about the business end of setting up your embroidery business?  You were excited because now you were going to do something that you love to do, day in and day out!  The business end is one of the most important parts and the only part that is going to help guide you in growing your business.  

Now that you have been in business for a while, is it going the way that you had envisioned? Do you have the right systems in place to help you keep track of the progress of your business?  I know that I did not when I started my business and there were days when I felt like pulling my hair out!

Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • Do you have Order and Organization in your embroidery business?
  • Do you know which area of your business is making you the most money?
  • Do you know which area of your business is costing you the most money?
  • Do you know exactly where you stand financially?
  • Does your current embroidery price list make you a profit with each type of customer?
  • Do you know how to Organize all of your Paperwork?
  • Do you have the right Tools for Keeping Track of your Orders?
  • Are your invoices done as soon as the job is completed and sent to the customer?
  • Do you have all of your jobs listed on a scheduling sheet and always up to date?
  • Do you know how much work you have in your shop at all times?
  • Are you ready to take your finished books to the accountant for your taxes as soon as the year is done?

If you cannot say YES to each one of these questions, you may need help setting up your embroidery business for Success! 
Without a positive answer to each one of these questions, it is very hard to create a success of your embroidery business!

I know what it is like!  You might say, “I have been there and done that!”  When I started my business, I knew nothing about running a business and I had no one to call on to help me.  It was a huge struggle for 15 years until I finally got the right help to get my business turned around. I thought that the right way to create my price list was to gather all of the price lists from my competitors and then sort of average them out.  “Wrong!”  That is not the right way and it has caused many embroidery business owners to totally sink.

I do not want to see you go through the many years that I did without getting the right help to get your business on the right path.  Help is right at your finger tips.  Don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach is an expert in Embroidery Business Training and currently has the longest running Embroidery Coaching Program on the Internet.

She had her own multi-head embroidery shop for over 20 years.

For the past 20 years, she has trained hundreds of embroiderers to build their own successful embroidery businesses and now has successful embroidery students all over the world.

She wrote the book “The Truth About Embroidery Business Success” from her own experience as an embroidery business owner and from working with other embroiderers.

Introducing: Simple Steps For Setting Up Your Embroidery Business For Success!

A combination of the Embroidery Business Bookkeeping System and the How to Price Embroidery program
The Perfect Combination that will help you Set up Your Embroidery Business for Success!

 Setting Up “QuickBooks” For the Decorating Apparel Business Is Different Than Setting Up “QuickBooks” For Another Type Of Business!

When your bookkeeping system is set up properly as I teach you, you will be able to see where your profits are coming from and at the same time, where you may be losing money. 

Module 1 – Organizing All Of Your Information

I give you forms to download to make it easier to help you gather all of your information.  Formatted Spreadsheet to download to help you with organizing your year-end expenses and income information and have it ready to upload into your the pricing program.  You will be creating different price lists easily for any type of customers that you work with.

Module 2 – Setting Up Your Chart Of Accounts, Products and Price Lists

I give you a spreadsheet showing you how to create your Chart of Accounts.  You will be able to create your Chart of Accounts based on your particular business.  You will learn how to set up each department within your business set up for maximum efficiency and profitability!  I show you how to create your price lists for each pricing situation and how to set up your Product Sheets to help you stay organized with your selling scenarios, in the office, in the showroom, on your website and out working with your clients in their offices!  This is HUGE!  

Module 3 – Creating Product Codes-Adding Product Codes to Import Lists

After you have your pricing done, I show you how to create the product codes to with the pricing to add to QuickBooks. I show you how to add the product codes to the Import Sheets.

Module 4 – Importing Your Lists

In this module, I go through the process of Importing all of your lists into QuickBooks.  This is a huge time saving process. It saves you from having to add all of your information one piece at a time.

Module 5 – Order Processing & Invoicing

In this module, I go through the process of the organization of how to use QuickBooks creating your Work Orders, Invoices as soon as your job is complete

Module 6 – Bank Deposits & Accounts Payables

In this module, I go through the process of showing you how to create your bank deposits and I go through adding your expenses and paying them. 

Module 7- Paying with Credit Cards & Bank Reconciliations

In this module, I go through the process paying your suppliers using your credit cards and then posting them to the correct accounts.  I also go through the process of a bank reconciliation.

At the end of this course, you will be able to start creating your invoices quickly and you should start seeing an increase in your cash flow very quickly!  That is exciting! Can you imagine how great it would be to have a more consistent cash flow, the feeling of being organized and knowing exactly where you are in your business at all times? WOW!  What a relief it would be to have that off your shoulders.

“Simple Step For Setting Up Your Embroidery Business for Success”

Information At Your Fingertips 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week!

Total Investment of $397  

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