Sabotaging your business and even yourself can be totally avoided but so many small business owners get caught in a trap of not knowing exactly what to do. Self-sabotage takes on a variety of guises and affects small business owners of all ages, of every economic level and of all walks of life.

But it always leads to our not living the life we want for ourselves. Habitually being late with customers‚’ orders, extreme disorganization in your business and not following up with sales leads can be indications that you are unknowingly sabotaging yourself or your embroidery business. Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to see if you are sabotaging your business or even yourself:


  1. Do I spend at least 30 minutes locating paperwork that I need for an order? 9 Steps To A Profitable Embroidery Business

  2. Am I indecisive and fearful about pricing; as a result, I often lose an order?

  3. Do I tend to start projects with great enthusiasm, but have great difficulty finishing them?

  4. Is my financial situation always chaotic leaving me with an uneasy feeling?

  5. Do my actions often jeopardize my relationships, and leave me financially unstable?

  6. Do I worry a lot about what others think of me and my business?

  7. Am I always struggling?

  8. Do I often put off the things I need to do? Procrastination and reliability are huge problems for me.

  9. Is my business ever going to change? I‚’m still not living the life I truly want, and I‚’m starting to lose hope that I will ever have the business that I want to provide that kind of life.

  10. Do my customer relationships tend to eventually fall apart?

  11. Do I avoid confrontation and give in to others in order to be liked and win their favor?

I know I have the potential to do more with my life and my business, if only I could just get out of my own way.

Self-defeating behaviors often mask a fear of change and of growing personally as well as in your business. Join me on September 9th to start a 12 week Group Coaching program,“9 Steps To A Profitable Embroidery Business!” This course is going to help you eliminate those self-defeating behaviors and set you and your business up for creating the lifestyle that you deserve.

This is a program where you will be able to interact with the other members of the program and you will be able to ask whatever questions you have to help get your business become more profitable during our weekly Q & A calls.

When we deliberately hinder our own efforts, we get to avoid the knowledge that our life is up to us, and that we do, indeed, get to choose how we want to live our lives. You can stop sabotaging your business and yourself, make the changes you need to make, and start living the life you want to live!