Embroidery Business On Line Marketing SystemBefore I go into the information about the 5 steps to a good web presence, the most cost effective way to advertise your embroidery business, I would like to ask you a few questions.

  • Do you have a good web presence set up for your embroidery business?
  • Do you have a system in place to automatically attract new customers and prospects into your business?
  • Are you keeping your customers informed of all new happenings in your business?
  • If you have a web site, is it bringing in the sales that you need?

It is so important to create a good web presence in today‚’s market and without one, your business may really suffer. Creating a good web presence can be very inexpensive when compared to the cost of advertising and so much more effective. This is a very efficient way of spending your advertising dollars rather than on something that you hope will work. A good web presence with a marketing system works for you on a constant basis and can give you a quick return on your investment. You cannot count on that with any other type of advertising system.

What do I mean by a good web presence? A good web presence means that you are easily found on the internet by your customers and prospects. You appear to be in many places on the internet making it easy for customers to interact with you. You website can be easily found when someone searches for a particular type of product that you have to offer.

Creating a web presence is a major part of any embroidery business. This is just as important to a local embroiderer as it is to one that is trying to reach the market globally. Before you can begin to reach a worldwide market, you must first reach out to your local market and the best and most cost effect way to do this is through your own web presence.

In today‚’s economy your prospects want to learn all that they can about you and see what you have to offer before they will choose to do business with you. This has been brought about because of all of the Social Marketing that has taken place in the past few years. The entire marketing system has changed and the way that business has been marketing in the past has totally changed.

Everyone in business needs to create a web presence. Having a web site is very impressive to your customers and clients and if it is one that they can interact with, that is even better and means a lot more to them. This puts you at a whole new level in the eyes of your customers or clients.

Basic Steps To Creating A Good Web Presence

Step 1- Creating a good web presence starts with Social Media.
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest social sites is a great place to get started marketing your business. You will not create a lot of sales here, but that is not the object. Creating an awareness of your business is the place to start. Your first step is to create a Fan page or Business page on Facebook. Start letting people know about you but do not try to sell anything when you first start. This will turn many people off. You want to show what you have to offer, give great tips, share inspirational quotes and be of help to other people. Share your pictures on Facebook and send them to Pinterest as well.

Step 2 – Add a shopping cart.
I do not recommend adding your shopping cart to Facebook. I recommend keeping your shopping cart independent on your own hosting account and then send your fans to your shopping cart through your pictures on your Social Media sites.

Step 3 – Add a Blog
Blogs tell stories about your products, how you create them and what your customers are doing with them. You can have testimonials on your blog and again, lots of pictures. People like pictures and today, much of our marketing is done through pictures.

Step 4 – Add an Automatic Emailing System
This will allow you to create messages that will go out to your customers and prospects on an automatic basis. You create a set of follow up marketing messages that you can schedule and send out to your customers without you even having to be involved once the messages are created. When you have something special coming up, you can send out a broadcast message to everyone at one time, saving you a lot of time and money. You can even create a newsletter and send it out through your system and keep your customers totally up to date with everything that is going on in your business.

Step 5 – Add a lead capture form on your blog
A form to capture names and email addresses on your blog site from new prospects in exchange for a coupon or gift certificate will give you the opportunity to start marketing to them. A coupon towards their next purchase is always a winner! By capturing their name and email address you can keep them informed of any new products, specials or events that are happening within your business.

Creating your web presence with the Marketing System needs to be search engine optimized, very simple and easy to use and will get you up and running very quickly! This is very important, you do not have the time to go out and do research to find a system and then try to learn how to use it. You must get your marketing system going quickly!

Creating a total marketing system will help you to be found more quickly on the internet and will make it easy for you to stay in touch with your customers keeping them informed at all times.

When you are first starting out in business, especially in the embroidery business, you are more focused on creating your products than you are on marketing! Marketing is one of the most important parts of your business and without it, you have no business. In today‚’s world you have to find a way to get your customers jobs done on a timely basis and still build in time for marketing your business. If you have a system that will work for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week, you will find that marketing is not such a chore!

How Do I Get A Marketing System That Will Work 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days Per Week?

The easiest way is to follow a step by step program that will guide you through each step of the way. I am starting a 6 weeks “Embroidery Business Marketing System Workshop” on May 7, 2013 that will show you each and every step in the process. This easy to follow system will start with choosing the right name, getting your hosting account, setting up your shopping cart, adding a blog with marketing pages and then setting up your automatic emailing system. This will be a system that you will have total control of at all times. Go to www.EmbroiderybusinessMarketingSystem.com for the details.

This system has worked very well for me and I will share it with you in this workshop! If you have pieces of your marketing system together already but are not seeing the results that you are looking for, then you will want to attend this workshop. I want you to become very successful in your embroidery business. I would also like for you to share some stories with me about the success that you have had with your current marketing system. Please comment below and let me know what system you are using and how your system is working for you!

Join Us For The Embroidery Business Marketing System Workshop