Marketing your business is one of your top priorities and should be done daily. Even if it is a small step, you need to get into the habit of doing something that will create traffic into your business on a daily basis. No matter how successful your business is, ignoring ongoing methods of traffic generation and promotion also means ignoring a rich source of sales and profit.

I am going to give you 5 easy steps that you can start using immediately to effectively market your business.

Step #1: Create Your Plan

Every successful marketing campaign begins with a plan.

Creating Your Plan: Your marketing campaign plan should do three things:

  1. Cover at least one entire calendar year
  2. Feature any relevant seasonal or sporting events, holidays, or trends
  3. Have a method that you can use to track and analyze your results

Planning an entire year's worth of strategy isn’t as difficult as it seems. It will help you consistently build momentum and maintain visibility. You can always make changes as you see your results. Consistency is the real key to success in marketing your Embroidery business.

Seasonal or sporting events and holidays provide the perfect reason for extra contact. Make sure that you analyze and track your results! This is very important. It will have a bearing on how you plan your next campaign.

When creating your plan you must:

  1. Use a calendar. Either a physical chart you write in or an organizer.
  2. Plan backwards. Write in the campaign start date of your promotion on the calendar. Working backwards on the calendar, plan out each step that must be started and completed before the campaign start date in order to set up the launch and make it happen on the target date.

Step #2: Start Reaching Out to Your Clients or Customers

Now that you have your plan in place, here are some methods for reaching out to your clients or customers.

  • Telephone0
    Do a short telephone survey asking your customers what you can do for them, how you can help them, what can you provide that they are not able to get elsewhere? You can let them know in advance about your next promotion. They will feel special. Make sure they are aware of your Referral Program.
  • Direct Mail
    If you are uncomfortable with the phone, create a postcard. Give them a special offer on the postcard. They will be required to bring the postcard into your shop in order to be eligible for the special offer. If you have a website, send them to a special page on your website with an offer- either something free or low cost just to get them into your autoresponder- so that you can start marketing to them on a steady basis automatically.
  • Free Samples or Coupons
    If you are using coupons, whenever possible, make sure that they are self-limiting such as a particular holiday or event. (Mother’s Day special, no longer available when Mother’s Day is over)

Step #3: Promoting to Current Clients or Customers and Attracting New Clients or Customers

Here are five highly effective promotion strategies you should implement immediately as part of your plan for the year.

Put your logo on every piece of physical material you wear, use, or distribute. These include:

  • Business cards
  • Stationery
  • Envelopes
  • Brochures
  • Invoices and receipts
  • Your car
  • Your office window or sign
  • Promotional items (pens, t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, etc.)
  • Sample items
  • Your own t-shirt, golf shirt, jacket, cap or visor when attending public events

Sponsor a local team, charity or even an individual event participant.
It doesn't matter how big the amount -showing your community involvement and “giving back” is always a great way to promote your business.

Donate prizes
Create a contest, or donate to an existing local charity or contest. Just be sure to put your logo on the prize item or accompanying freebie or card somewhere! (HINT: Contest creation for seasonal holidays gives you the perfect, natural excuse!)

Promote your contest or event participation
Send out a press release to your local radio station, TV station or newspaper in advance of the big event, so they can show up and either do a story on you (“Local Business Owner Gives Back”) or photograph the prize recipient, if it's significant enough. Just make sure your press release is not solely about you and your business, but offers them a real story for their readers , the more heart-warming the story is, the better.

Propose a workshop to your local community college or library.
If your business is already established, you've certainly got the credentials- and it will establish you as their own, resident “go-to” expert in that field. (This can be about how to select the correct promotional items for their needs or something that would be fitting to or for your market.)

Step #4: Advertising

Don't hesitate to include advertising as part of your annual strategy, if you can allocate a budget to it. Surveying your intended market and using the method most favored by them are the keys to ensuring this strategy gives you a return for your investment. Consider advertising with:

  • Local newspapers
  • Local business or trade directories
  • Local Radio
  • Local TV

Finally, consider creating an advertising contra — a “you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours” exchange of services or goods you already own with any of these organizations. It's a time-honored custom in advertising and all venues above are thoroughly familiar with the idea. This is a very effective way to reach a large audience with a smaller dollar outlay! You will need to show the newspaper, radio or TV station how they will profit from this partnership venture.

Step #5: Boosting Visibility and Credibility

You may have multiple goals for your promotion plan. You can use any or all of the above methods (and any others you can think of) to:

  • Increase your expert status
  • Increase your visibility
  • Increase ease of contact to prospective clients
  • Brand your business or product

And, last but not least, increase your sales.