Does your business card leave a great first impression for your embroidery business? Have you really thought about your business card and what that first impression says about you and your Embroidery business? The first impression that you leave with your new prospect or customer is extremely important and if you do not leave the right impression or a positive impression, you will not have the opportunity for another chance. What does that first impression say about you and your Embroidery Business? That first impression is the lasting impression and you want it to be the one that they will want to remember you by and tell others about you. Here are some questions that you need to answer that will help you to create a good first impression.

  • Do you look like you have an Embroidery Business?
  • Does your logo give an indication of what your business is about?
  • Do all of your Marketing pieces flow with the same look?
  • Do you advertise your product every place you go?
  • Is your appearance reflective of your workmanship?
  • Is your Showroom neat and organized ready for customers at all times?

When you talk to your prospect or customer that first time, you need to have a marketing piece to hand to them. Most generally, this is your business card, but it can also be a brochure or postcard. What does your marketing piece say about you? Is it leaving the kind of impression that you want to make?

When you are creating or having your marketing pieces created you need to make sure that they gook great, let the customer know exactly what it is you do and how it is going to benefit them. What do your marketing pieces say about you? Are they leaving the kind of impression that you want to make?

You Must Tell Your Prospect What To Do!

What is it you want your customer or prospect to do? You must let them know by the marketing piece that you hand them.

  • Do you want them to call you?
  • Do you want them to visit your website for a FREE gift or coupon?
  • Do you want them to come to your place of business to receive a FREE gift, coupon or discount?

You want to make sure that your message is clear and that you are giving them a call to action. You must give them a reason to come to you! Your business card is the first item to take into consideration. What does your business card look like? Is it one that they will remember? You want your marketing pieces to be items that they will look at and say “WOW! I need to check these people out!

Many people overlook the importance of a high-quality business card, one that will actually leave a great impression. Remember, the first impression is the lasting impression Most people will buy the cheapest business card that they can, never thinking of what an impression that is actually leaving with the new prospect. Many have a standard logo or a logo from a company that is printing them on the back of the card. Do Not Ever Do This! A cheap business card with no real thought behind it says that your business does not pay attention to detail. Bad mistake!

What Does Your Business Card Say About You?

Thank about how your Business Card is representing you and your business. Here are the important components that need to be your business card.

  • Business Name
  • Logo
  • What you do (Your tag line)
  • Address (if applicable)
  • The best way to contact you (email-phone or both)
  • An offer on the back (You can send them to your Facebook Fan Page or your website for a FREE offer!)

Only have 500 Business Cards printed up the first time. You may want to make a change on it. You can then make the changes and have more printed. Give it some color. Use a color that you love and one that you are going to use in all of your marketing materials including your website.

Have a coating applied to the front side. Do not put a coating on the back. You may want to write a note on it. The colors that you choose should be part of your branding process. Yes, you will make changes. You may want to change your offer or your message. I did this several times until I came up with exactly what was working the best.

I get a lot of compliments on my card. You can see that I have all of the information on the front that is important and I have an offer on the back. This has worked very well for me and has brought in many prospects. I had my business cards printed online through a company that offered overnight service. I did not choose the overnight option, but their service was excellent and fast.

You can also have a postcard created with one lead product or some type of promotion on it that you can hand out at different functions that you go to. It can really work for you. Again, make sure that you have an offer on it, one that they cannot resist! It does not have to be expensive, just something that will make them take action. If you have a post created, make sure that it is 4″ x 6″. I have learned that people do not pay as much attention to the normal-sized 3″ x 5″ postcards as they do the larger ones.

Does your business card leave a great first impression for your embroidery business? Remember, that first impression is so important and if you want the opportunity to create customers out of your new prospects you absolutely must create a great first impression!