Networking-A Great Way To Market Your Embroidery Business
Networking-a great way to market your embroidery business! There are two types of networking, On line and Off line.
On Line Networking
There are many Social Media sites that you can join and basically do the same type of networking as in off line networking. You cannot be physically present, but you can make many friends and acquaintances through these Social Media sites. The most popular sites are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,Instagram and Pinterest. You can join them, create your profile and establish a following.
With Facebook you can join an embroidery or business group in your own community. Facebook is an excellent tool to use for networking. Facebook and LinkedIn are used primarily for business; however you must build a personal profile first before you can create your business page on Facebook . On your Business pages, you can promote and sell your products.
Off Line Networking
There are many organizations that you can join but the main ones are the local Chamber of Commerce and a Women’s or Men’s Business Organization. There are also networking groups that meet for lunch in many areas.
If you join an organization, you must become active. You will have the opportunity to meet key people and this will help with your credibility. Just joining the organization does no good if you do not make yourself known to the other members and attend their functions. Check with the Chamber of Commerce in your area to see if they have an early morning Breakfast and/or an After Hours mixer.
The breakfasts are usually held at local hotels and they have a guest speaker. These can be very informative. The After Hours mixer is usually held at one of the local member's establishment and you are encouraged to bring business cards or brochures and, of course, mingle and talk to the other guests. Again, usually, each month one member is invited to bring in a sample display of their products or services to show the other members. These are great for learning about the different businesses in your area and for gaining customers.
The networking groups that meet for lunch limit it to one company of a type of business for each industry. Only one person can join that has an embroidery business. There are no competitors allowed. This can also be very lucrative. Networking-A great way to market your embroidery business. Networking is a way of life, and you should be utilizing it more to market your business business.
You can get more marketing ideas for your embroidery business at How To Market Your Embroidery Business.