Embroidery Machine MaintenanceThis is the beginning of the second half of 2017 and it is embroidery machine maintenance time. I just want to give you a little reminder that it is time to schedule your 6 months‚’ maintenance that should be done every July & January. Your machine will work much better, you will have less down time and produce better quality embroidery if you will take care of the maintenance on your machine regularly. Be sure to check for any scratches or burrs in the hole in your presser foot, on the bottom of your presser foot, the hole in the needle plate, the hook and the knives. I have a video in the Maintenance section of Embroidery Basics in the membership site at https://TheEmbroideryTrainingResourceCenter.com. Make sure that you go through it to see all of the steps in the maintenance and download the guide to help you go through your maintenance. Regularly scheduled embroidery machine maintenance is a must if you are serious about your business and you want to run your production trouble free!

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