Create an Embroidery Quote Form and Quote Book for all of the quotes that you give to your customers. If you have given your customer a price quote on a design or on finished products, make sure that you write all of the information down on your form and keep it in your Quote Book.  A three-ring binder works great for this.  Keep the binder in the customer service area for easy retrieval when the customer actually places their order.

Make sure that you give your customer a copy of the Embroidery Quote Form to take with him. In case of an email order, phone order or fax order, make sure that your customer receives a copy for his or her records.

When the order is placed, remove the Embroidery Quote Form from the binder and attach it to the actual job order. The actual order processing will be faster and easier. Creating the final invoice will be faster as well and you will not have to worry about making an error.

Limit the amount of time your Embroidery Quote will be in effect. Make sure that you include the date on the quote form. At the bottom of the form, you can state how long your quote will be in effect.  I always limit mine to 30 days.   Some embroiderers limit their quotes to two weeks.  Do what works for you.

I hope that you will find this tip helpful.  If so, please let me know.

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