How can I write a blog post? I cannot write! How do I know what to say? This is what I hear over and over when I am working with my students, helping them to create their On-Line Embroidery Marketing System.

I understand where you are coming from and what you mean! I have been there myself and I finally discovered that writing a blog post is not hard!

Write Your Blog Post As If You Are Talking To One Person At A Time!

I always thought that I was writing to a large group of people, and I did not have a clue as to what to say. I then discovered that I had to write as if I was talking, and you are merely talking to one person at a time.

Before you start trying to write, create a picture in your mind of the person that you are writing to. He or she is not just a customer, they are a person.

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Approximately how old is she or he?
  • What are their interests?
  • Is this a small business person?
  • Is this person an end user of your product?
  • What type of a relationship do you want to have with this person?

Once you have a clear picture of that person in your mind, it is easier to create your message.

  • What is it that you want them to know?
  • What do you have to offer them that is going to help them?

Remember: keep it short and to the point. People do not have the time to read long posts. You are creating a relationship with that one person. This may help you to overcome your fear of writing. It worked for me! Leave a comment and let me know if this has helped you!

Joyce Jagger
The Embroidery Coach