Today is the official book launch for the revised version of my book, “The Truth About Embroidery Business Success”! I wrote the original book in 2010 and I had added an additional chapter and more content in each chapter. This book will truly help you get with the day to day operations of your Embroidery Business!

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Starting a new embroidery business is not easy. It is very exciting, but it can be extremely overwhelming to the new embroidery business owner with all that you need to learn in a very short time.

When I first started my embroidery business, I did not have any type of a guide to help me get started and I made so many mistakes. There is so many key elements that I did not understand, but need to be set in place before you can become profitable. I wrote this embroidery business book to:

  • Help you create a Working Business Plan
  • Help you set your goals
  • Help you create your Marketing Plan
  • Show you how to price your Embroidery and Products
  • Help you find a Niche or your very own corner of the embroidery world
  • Help you Organize your Embroidery Business
  • How you find good dedicated employees
  • Help you create an Action Plan that that is so vial to your business!

My passion is to help you get off to a fast start! There is no reason why you should start your embroidery business without the sufficient knowledge that will help you to succeed right from the beginning.

If you are someone that has already started your own embroidery business and is not having the type of success that you had envisioned, then this book will help you get on the right path to developing your own profitable embroidery business.