When you start your new Business, Marketing your embroidery business is imperative for the success of your business.  You must get the word out about your Embroidery Business!

When I first started my embroidery business I thought that all I had to do was put out my sign to let everyone know that I was now in business! Along with that I placed a couple of ads in the newspaper. I thought that this would let everyone know that I was here and I would have all of the customers that I ever wanted or needed! Guess What! It didn't quite work out that way!

I soon found out that getting customers was not as easy as I had envisioned! It really took a lot of work to get that steady flow of customers coming in the doors. Without that steady flow of customers, you have no business!

Is the word Marketing freaking you out?  Instead of thinking in the terms of marketing, how about just thinking in the terms of I want to get the word out about my embroidery business.  When you start to think in terms of get the word out about your business instead of having to learn how to market the business, it makes it seem a lot more doable and even a lot more fun.

To most of us embroiderers, marketing is not the fun part of the business and many times we feel very intimidated by it!  The term Marketing your embroidery business was a very scary process for me in the beginning; just the thought of it scared me to death! Have you ever felt the same way? I discovered very quickly that all I really had to do was get the word out about my business.  YES, I can do that!

In simple terms, Marketing is just the process that you go through to find the “Right People” that need your product or service. The Right People, your Niche Market, are the ones that need or want to buy your product or service. In other words, we have to get the word out about our business and let them know who we are, what we do and what we have to offer that will benefit them! Sometimes we have to expand on what we have to offer to broaden our reach for more of those Right People !

The most important process in getting ready to market your embroidery business is to create a working plan. You must have a Marketing Plan! This is your road map and will help to keep you on the right track. If one strategy is not working you can go back and review your plan and make some changes, but without a plan you are just running in circles and do not have any idea as to what to do or where to go to get started.

Create a planning calendar with all of the holidays, sports seasons and events and start planning your promotions around all of them. What are some of the items that you can offer for each one of these special occasions? What would you have to do to put together a simple plan to promote each one of these holidays, sports seasons and special events?

You must find out when your lean times are so that you can act proactively and create promotions just ahead of these slow times so that you can avoid them entirely. You must always be proactive instead of reactive in your marketing.

People need you and what you have to offer. All you have to do is make them aware of what you have, work with them to find out exactly what they are looking for and you can create the perfect relationship. I know it sounds so simple, and actually it really is.

Once I put a Marketing Plan together and started working my plan, I found out that letting everyone to know that I was in business was not as hard as I thought that it was going to be. If you are not marketing your embroidery business and learning how to do it effectively, most people will NEVER find you!

I have created a course on how to market your embroidery business off line and on line. This is a total embroidery business marketing system that will help you get the word out about your business and help to keep you in contact with all of your current customers as well as automatically prospect for new customers.

Joyce Jagger
The Embroidery Coach

The Embroidery Coach, Joyce Jagger simplifies the complex world of embroidery into easy to understand lessons. Her passion is to help get the new embroiderer off to a fast start and help the existing embroiderer improve their skills so that they can provide higher quality embroidery and increase their profitability!