Why Is It Important To Use Water Soluble Topping?

Water Soluble Topping is a very important element for creating quality embroidery designs and can be used to remedy designs that do not have the quality look that you are expecting. Using a water soluble topping when you are embroidering on any type of fabric that has...

Telephone Scripts To Use For Your Customers

The best way to start building good customer relationships is to connect with each one of your current and lost customers. Start out by making 3 lists. Current High Volume Customers Current Lower Volume But Repeat Customers Former or Lost Customers Below are links to...

Tips For High Quality Embroidery Designs On Caps

Tips For High Quality Embroidery Designs On Caps

I’m new to Embroidery and I am really having trouble trying to sew high quality embroidery designs on caps. Can you help me? Trying to get high quality embroidery designs on caps can be a real challenge when you are new to embroidery. But with a little practice and...