The Basics Of Creating An Embroidery Business Plan
A business plan will give you a clear direction on the steps you intend to take in the running of your embroidery business and help you to stay on track so that your business can grow. A key element to writing a great, actionable embroidery business plan is to take it...

System For Embroidering Team Names On Jackets!
I want to share with you how to create a system for embroidering team names on jackets or shirts. This time-saving system that I came up with for embroidering team names on jackets or shirts is very simple and as indicated, it is a huge time saver! I take my list of...

Are You Charging Enough For Your Embroidery?
In today’s world of rising prices and uncertainly, we need to be prepared to not only help our customers, but also make sure we can pay our bills! We are running a business, not a charity organization! I was very excited about our new year and hoping that we could...

Setting Up The Lettering To Embroider On The Back of a Mesh Cap
Setting up the lettering to Embroider on the back of a mesh cap can be done very easily if it is done correctly. There is more than one way to accomplish this, but the way that you select will depend on the actual design that you plan on selecting or creating. Many...

How Should I Price My Embroidery To Make A Profit?
How can I price my embroidery to make a profit? This is a question that I am asked on a regular basis. How can I price my embroidery to make a profit especially when other embroiderers are practically giving their work away? Some embroiderers say to charge $1 per...

“9 Steps To Profit In Your Embroidery Business?”
Having your business well organized and planned out is very important and a must if you want to profit in your embroidery business! I want to share with you the 9 steps that it takes in planning for a successful and profitable embroidery business! Before I get...

How To Embroider On Face Masks!
It looks like Face Masks are here to stay for a while in many parts of the country and the world. David wrote an article that may be very helpful to you if you are asked to embroider on face masks. He has 2 different options for hooping them with tips for using each...

A Great New Tool To Use To Remove Stitching!
I found this new magnifying light that is great tool to use to remove stitches. I am so excited about this light and I want to share it with you. I have used many different tools in the past for removing stitches, but this is the best tool to remove stitches that I...

How To Hang On To Your Embroidery Business?
How Has The Pandemic Affected Your Embroidery Business? How has the pandemic affected you personally? Have you spent much time thinking about this and how you are going to make changes to be able to cope ? Do you know how to hang on to your embroidery business...

Embroidery Machine Maintenance Is A Must In Order To Get Maximum Efficiency
Does the bobbin area in your embroidery machine look like this? Embroidery Machine Maintenance is a must and something that none of us want to deal with but in order to get the maximum efficiency from our equipment this is a must. It makes no difference if you are a...

Are Your Controlling Your Embroidery Business or Is Your Embroidery Business Controlling You?
Are your controlling your Embroidery Business or do you feel like your Embroidery Business is controlling you? Do you feel like your embroidery business is choking the life out of your personal and family life and you just cannot seem to get control of it? Many...

Part 1- Saving Time – Helping Customers Make Quick Ordering Decisions
Saving time - Helping customers make quick ordering decisions can sometimes be very frustrating. Is your customer ordering process taking you too much time away from your production time? I want to talk about how you can cut back on the amount of time that it takes...

Learning How To Price Your Embroidery Correctly!
Recently, I was working with one of my Lifetime Students that was not sure how to price her embroidery. She had the misconception that the proven embroidery pricing program that I have created was not for her. She was a home embroiderer and thought that this program...
Quoting Embroidery Designs While Your Customer Waits!
This embroidery tip is all about quoting embroidery designs for your customer while they wait? Do you ever have a customer that brings in designs that they want you to reproduce? Of course, you do. Do they want a price while they wait? Sure they do. Have you ever...
“Next Step In Training The New Embroidery Employee – The Helpers Position!”
In our last article about where to start training a new embroidery employee, I talked about starting them with the finishing process and then moving them into the helper’s position as soon as they were ready. Make sure that they totally understand each and every...