by The Embroidery Coach | | Embroidery Business Marketing
Do you want to get faster results in your embroidery business? Are you tired of staying at the same place year after year? In my last newsletter, I talked about “6 Ways to Jump-Start Your Embroidery Business Growth Today!”I hope you found those useful and that you’re putting into practice what you’ve learned already to get the growth you desire. Of course, there’s more to the subject than we’ve covered so far, and you have some options about how to go forward. I want to go through each one of these options with you:
Option 1:
You can continue working on expanding your business on your own and juggle it with your other business activities. You might get there eventually, or you might get side-tracked by other things. You may be too busy to “Work on your Business” because you are so busy “Working in your Business!”
Option 2:
You can do nothing and go back to what you’re doing now, though that may mean that your business doesn’t grow at all
Option 3:
You can let me give you a helping hand to get the outcomes you want faster and more easily.
In my course on how to create your “ Embroidery Business Growth Plan,” I’ll walk you through the process step-by-step. It’s totally hands-on, so you’ll be taking action and implementing what you learn at each step. Here’s exactly what you’ll be able to do when you go through my program:
- Take a fresh look at why you are in business and what your aims are for your business growth so that you can reconnect with what motivates you
- Reaffirm your ideal target market and specify your ideal customer profile, so that you know exactly who to market to
- Get a snapshot of the financial situation of your business, so that you understand the resources available to you
- Define what you do well as a business, so that you recognize what already works for you
- Assess the places in your business where you aren’t performing strongly so that you can take steps to lessen or eliminate those weaknesses
- Identify your business opportunities to see where growth can come from so that you tap into any hidden potential
- Flag the external conditions that could hinder your business growth, so that you are aware of what you need to do to mitigate them
- Take a look at your current marketing and its effectiveness, so that you know what to focus your efforts on
- Review how your current team members are working individually and together so that you can identify changes to make for greater productivity
- Examine your current business processes and tools to assess if they’re delivering what you need, and to make sure you have the most up-to-date systems
- Put together a comprehensive Embroidery Business Growth Plan for the next 12 months that will guide and support your success goals
- Review your Embroidery Business Growth Plan and identify your next steps, so that you can achieve the goals you set for the course
This is a live class for the remainder of January. We are going to have 2 more live sessions and then we will have a live Q & A class to help you review your plan and answer any questions that you may have.
You’ll also get all of the following:
- Video Replays of each Module.
- Note sheets to use to take notes on as you are watching the videos.
- A Workbook so that you can fill in the blanks with each step.
- Formatted Spreadsheets
- Your Embroidery Business Growth Plan Template
Do you want to get faster results in your embroidery business? I’ll help you avoid the mistakes that most people make and get to the level of income you want… without the headaches and lost time of trying to do it on your own. So if you're ready to move ahead and figure out exactly what you need to do to raise your business to new heights….
Check out my full course here:
by The Embroidery Coach | | Embroidery Business Marketing
Are you confused as to how you can jump-start your embroidery business growth? Do you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do currently and wonder how you can fit in the time to grow your business at the same time? Where do you even start with embroidery business growth?
The first step is to tackle overwhelm with an organized and systematic approach and then use your current customers as the foundation for your embroidery business growth. I want to think very strongly about your current customers, what you have to offer them and about the 6 ways to jump-start your embroidery business growth that I am going to share with you.
Discover Your Strong Points
• Talk to your customers and get their feedback: find out why they like doing business with you and your business
• Customers know things about your business you don't know
• Once you know your strong points, you can leverage them to grow
Get New Product and Service Ideas
• Your existing customers can help you come up with ideas for offers they'd like to see
• Ask your followers on social media for products or services that they would like to see you offer that they are not able to get other places.
• While you're discussing ideas, you can also ask for feedback on changes you could make that would improve your products or services or your business.
• Once you have some ideas, take them back to your team and discuss what would lead to profits or business growth.
Go the Extra Mile for Your Buyers
There are many different ways to make improvements for your current customers
• Decrease Customer Delivery Time – respond to your customers’ inquiries immediately and deliver your products or services slightly faster.
• Take an Individual Approach – Interact with customers and respond to issues personally.
• Win People Back – Solve your customers' problems quickly and give them something extra to assure their satisfaction.
• Know Your Customers Well – Use marketing data and personal interactions to modify your customer service to their tastes & preferences.
• Be Consistent – Handle all issues in the same way and establish procedures so everyone offers consistent customer service
• Always Put Customers First – Always consider how changes will affect your customers and make sure it's in their best interests
Nurture the Relationship with Your Customer
• Great customer service is not enough. You need to build strong, long-lasting relationships with your customers
• Email Marketing – Build an email list and send your subscribers regular messages with helpful exclusive content
• Social Media Challenges – Increase engagement by giving your audience a challenge on social media
• Entertain Your Audience – Know your audience well and share content sometimes that's just for fun
• Create a VIP List – Identify VIPs who are the most engaged with your business, offer them special promotions and nurture a relationship with them
• Interact Offline – Host offline events or join local community events where your customers are
Offer Rewards for Referrals
• Referrals are the best and most cost-effective marketing for any business.
• Ask for referrals:
• Right after a purchase.
• When someone sends you a personal message thanking you
• At the conclusion of helping solve a customers’ problem
• Offer a small incentive or reward for referring you
• Publicize your referral program
• Reach out to reviewers, bloggers, and others with a large audience and offer them an incentive to talk about you.
Extend Your Customer Database
• Always look for opportunities to gain new prospects.
• Regularly attend networking events and talk to as many people as possible
• Create a system for following up and telling people about your embroidery business or offering ways you can help them
Was this article helpful? It should give you a great starting point. But there's more you'll need to do in order to take your business to the level you desire. If you're ready to get started, I'm offering a course that teaches you step-by-step how to create embroidery business growth so that you can achieve your long-term goals.
Want to start growing your business today? Click on this link to get started TODAY! Embroidery Business Growth Plan
by The Embroidery Coach | | Embroidery Business Marketing
It is time for our 2018 Embroidery Business Wrap Up! We are about to say goodbye to 2018 and welcome to 2019! This is the time when we need to look back on the old year and see what worked and what did not work! What do you need to do in your personal life or business to make the necessary changes in the areas that did not work? Is it time to let go of some of the things that did not work?
2018 was a year that was very good and yet it was a challenging year for me! There have been so many changes in my life and I have felt like there have been so many new beginnings from those changes and I am happy to say that in 2019 I expect to see the fruits of the labor from all of those changes.
I have always done a lot of planning and I try to work my plans but sometimes our plans just do not work out the way that we expect no matter how hard we try!
When you find an area in your life or your business that is not working the way that you think that it should, it is time to stop and take a good look at the situation and find out what you need to do to make the necessary change or perhaps you need to let it go.
This was one of those years for me. I had many changes that took place in my life that I had not planned for, but there were three changes that were major that affected both my personal life and my business in ways that I would not have imaged. I would like to share these with you.
- I had cataract surgery on my eyes and I can see so much better with my new glasses. It is truly amazing what a difference that has made. I have struggled for so long and this is like a whole new bright looking world for me!
- I started another group in my Inner Circle and they are all progressing amazingly. Each of the embroiderers in this group is in a different place in their business but all are really making great strides with their businesses.
- I started The “Embroidery Coach Training Academy” program training new embroidery coaches. At the present time, I have one that needs to have one more onsite on the job training with me and she will be qualified to be sent out on her own to help other embroiderers. This is really exciting for me and for her also!
Reviewing 2018
At the beginning of November, I started going over my entire business and I made a list of what I wanted to do more than anything and another list of all of the things that I did not want to continue doing. Some things were not helping to move the business forward, so I have decided to drop them. I created a new plan for my business and it is called my “Embroidery Business Growth Plan!” It has really helped me to focus more on what I really want to do with my business that will help us move forward and be able to help more embroiderers. That is my goal, to help as many embroiderers as I can to have profitable embroidery businesses! I have my Marketing plan all set for 2019 and I am very anxious to get this process started.
The 2018 Embroidery Business Wrap Up!
You want to be on the training so that you can learn about the new training coming up and what is happening here at The Embroidery Coach! This Embroidery Business Wrap up will be on December 27th at 8 PM Eastern. Make sure you get signed up for that training.
To end this old year and to help get more embroiderers ready for 2019, I am offering our Lifetime Gold Plus Program again, for $1597 or 3 payments of $549.00. This is the last time that I will be offering it for this price. I am not even sure at this point if I will be offering it again, but if I do, it will not be at $1597.00. My business coach and my accountant have been after me to raise the price of my Lifetime program for the past 2 years but I have not done that. This last time for the offering of $1597 is starting today and will be gone forever on December 31st!
Kicking Off 2019
To kick off 2019 I am going to start teaching my new program, call the “The Embroidery Business Growth Plan.” This is going to help you plan your business for explosive growth for 2019. This is going to be a Growth Business Plan for your entire business, not just a Marketing plan. Many times we create a business plan when we first start our business, but then it sits in a desk drawer never to be looked at again. That is not this type of business plan. You are going to be focusing on the areas that are going to help you grow your business and letting go of areas that do not really help you. I am going to show you how to do that. We are starting on January 3rd.
It is going to be open for free to all of the members of The Embroidery Training Resource Center that are Gold Plus or above. If you are not a Gold Plus member, you can purchase access to the course for $97.00 during the month of January.
This course is going to sell for $197.00 when it is completed at the end of January. We are going to be meeting 4 Thursday nights in January to complete the entire course and then it will be uploaded into the training center in the Gold Plus level and above. Don’t miss out on your chance to really grow your business during 2019. This is going to be an amazing course. I have already gone through it and it is really going to make a difference in my business.
If you are not a Gold Plus Member and decide to purchase this course for $97.00 you will have access to it forever at that price.
Registration for the course will begin on December 27th! I will send out an email and let you know where to go to get registered if you are not a current member of The Embroidery Training Resource Center, Gold Plus and above! I will be sending out a link to attend the training for the Gold Plus, the Lifetime members and the Inner Circle members!
Plans for 2019 At The Embroidery Coach
I have so many plans for 2019 and I am going to be sharing them on our training on December 27th. Make sure that you sign up for that training if you are not a member of The Embroidery Training Resource Center. All of the current members will be receiving a link to the training, they do not have to actually sign up for it.
It is time for you to start creating your plan for 2019. Take a few minutes and reflect on 2018 and write down what you enjoyed about it, what you accomplished and also write down what you did not enjoy. This is very important. You do not want to continue doing things that do not make you happy or a profit. We are in this business to do something that we love and to make a profit! That is the bottom line. If you are not enjoying one of your processes or a particular area within your business, it is time to stop it and work on something that you enjoy!
If you are struggling in an area, but want to conquer it, reach out for some help. That is the best way and easiest way to stop the struggle and start enjoying what you are doing. It is time to look back on 2018 and do a complete 2018 embroidery business wrap up in your embroidery business! Move on to 2019 and create a whole new growth plan!
I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and an extremely Successful New Year!
by The Embroidery Coach | | Embroidery Business Marketing
Do you find yourself frustrated when you have to stop to wait on a customer? Is your customer ordering process taking up too much of the time that you need to spend on your production? Helping customers make quick buying decisions can sometimes be very frustrating. I want to talk about how you can cut back on the amount of time that it takes you to help your customers make a final decision. My Inner Circle students know how important this is and it is a priority in setting up your business to run properly!
As embroiderers, we want to be able to offer our customers a full range of lettering and design options but in the process of doing so, we sometimes have the tendency to over complicate the process causing us and the customers unneeded frustration. There are 5 simple ways that will help to save time and speed up your customers ordering process.
- Embroidery Design Layout Options
- Limited Lettering Style Options
- Samples Tagged With Ordering Information
- Thread Chart
- Organized Ordering System
Embroidery Design Layout Options
Create several Design Layouts Options for your customer to choose from. By giving your customer choices of different layouts for him to look at before he places his order, you prevent him from asking you to create his logo with several different options for his approval.
These Design Layout Options save time and instill confidence in the customer that you know what you are doing and know what the best option for him or his logo will be.
Limited Embroidery Lettering Style Options
In each of the embroidery software packages today you have many lettering styles to choose from and it is very
tempting to want to show our customers all of the lettering styles that we have available.
By limiting the embroidery lettering style options, you not only save time working with your customer in their selection, but you also save time in the setup of your lettering designs. If you are only working with a few lettering style options, you can have templates made ahead of time with all of the style settings included in the template. This is a huge time-saving process when you are creating your customer's design setups!
Sample Tags With Order Information
Your showroom should be complete with high-quality embroidery samples that are tagged with all of the order information that is applicable to that product sample.
Having all of your samples tagged ahead of time with the appropriate information will save you a lot of time and prevent you from having to look up the information in the catalogs. As your pricing changes, so do your Sample tags. Always keep them up to date with all of the correct product and ordering information!
Your Own Company Thread Chart
Creating your own company thread chart is very important. You should never offer to show the customer the thread
chart from the company where you purchase your thread.
Many embroiderers order the thread that their customers want and end up spending their entire profit for the job or more just because they do not have that particular color in stock. The thread then sits on their shelf and very often rots because no one else is going to use that particular color.
If they are not happy with your selection, offer to order their custom color but make sure that they understand that there will, in fact, be an additional charge for this service. You will need to charge for the thread as well as the shipping into you.
An Organized Ordering System
An organized ordering system is simple to put into place. This is true when you have all of your information computerized and even if you are using paper forms to be filled out while you are waiting on the customer. You can create Sales Order Packets with all of your forms included so that you do not have to look for your information forms while you are working with your customer. Inside of this Sales Order Packet, you should have:
- Customers Quote form
- Your Order Form
- Form of Payment
- Production Timing Form
- Artwork Production form
- Packing Slip
- Checklist
I have gone over 5 ways to help customers make quick buying decisions. You want the order process to be a pleasant experience for both you and the customer. When you offer your customers so many options they only get confused and it takes longer for them to make a final decision and sometimes that final decision is no decision. Reducing the number of choices you have to offer will save you and the customer a lot of time and will help customers make quick buying decisions!
To get started with your Embroidery Sales Tools click here!
by The Embroidery Coach | | Embroidery Business Marketing
Setting up a Simple Referral Program for your Embroidery Business takes only a few minutes and it so worth it! Asking for referrals is one of the most effective, quickest and least expensive ways of gaining these new customers. Setting up a system to reward customers for referrals by giving them a discount on their next order is always effective. How do I do this? There are several ways of asking for referrals.
- Have Business cards Tucked Into Customers Pick Up Bags.
- Send Out Business Cards Or Brochures With Invoices.
- Ask For A Referral After Customer Has Placed Their Order.
- Tell Employees About Referral Program
Have Business Cards Tucked Into Customers Pick Up Bags
The easiest and most effective way that I found was to always give my customers business cards and brochures. When they pick up their order, make sure to add business cards or brochures to their package. Ask them to write their names on the back of the cards or brochures and hand them to their friends, family and acquaintances. When the person comes into the shop that has been referred, take their business card and keep track of the person that referred them to you. The person that gave the referral would then get a discount on their next order. Everyone wants to get something for giving out your name. As I said there is a small cost to it, but this is a customer that you did not have to go after.
Keeping Track of the Referrers
I set up a simple spreadsheet for my Referral program. On that spreadsheet, I put the Date, Customers Name, Name of Referrer, Amount of Sale, Date Referrer Purchased after Referring and Amount of Referrer‚’s Sale. This helps me to keep track of the amount of sales that are brought in by the Referrers and who the Referrers are. You can increase your reward for those that give you a lot of referrals. This is the best type of Salespeople that you can have!
Tell everyone that you know about your Referral Program including your employees. This is a simple way to set up a Referral program for your Embroidery Business that WORKS!
Click on the link below to get your copy of my Simple Referral Program Spreadsheet!
by The Embroidery Coach | | Embroidery Business Marketing
If you currently offer your customers monograms, you can now offer them custom one of a kind monogrammed gifts for the holidays. This will help them to create lasting memories for their loved ones during this holiday season!
The Holiday season is when we like to connect with family and friends that we do not see on a daily basis. This is the time of year when many special memories are created or brought into the forefront of our minds. I love this time of year!
When I was growing up we did not have very much in the way of material things but my mother always made Christmas very special and I will never forget all of those special holidays!
December is the month of many winter weddings and this is the time when we like to offer our customers a little something special. During the holiday season most embroiderers get requests for monogrammed gifts from their retail customers as well as their business customers that are in the market for employee gifts.
This is also the time of year when you have more customers coming into your shop than normal and they are looking for something new that they have not seen before. This gives you the opportunity to showcase many of your new ideas and helps you gain more customers that will be back to shop during the coming year. One of a kind monogrammed gifts are always popular for the holidays, weddings, bridal showers and house warming gifts!
Offer Your Customers The Option of One of a Kind Monogrammed Gifts
When I first started getting requests for monograms that I did not have the font for it was so frustrating to me. I did not have the money to invest in fonts to create one or two monograms. During this frustrating time, I learned how to edit the fonts that I had in order to create one of a kind monograms that my customers loved. These one of a kind monogrammed gifts can become heirlooms that help create the same warm feeling of memories that are created during the holiday season.
I am offering a special discount on the How to Create Beautiful Large and Small Monograms program that I have created that teaches you how to edit your standard embroidery fonts and work with true type fonts to create your own line of one of a kind monograms.
This on line video training program will show you step by step exactly how to create beautiful heirloom monograms and how to create full monogram sets from washcloth size to shower curtain size. You can watch me while I show you exactly how I accomplish this. I have even included a special heirloom type font that I digitized for you so that you can offer something very special quickly for the holidays!
This is what made a huge difference in my business and I was able to offer my clientele something very special that no one else in our area could offer! This was pretty exciting to me and it helped me to build up a high end clientele.
Go to and place your order today so that you do not miss out on this amazing opportunity to be able to offer your customers something really special in one of a kind monogrammed gifts for the holidays! Get immediate access to these on-line videos teaching you how to create these beautiful one of a kind monograms!