Simple Steps For Embroidery Business Success!

Simple Steps For Embroidery Business Success!

The idea of having your own embroidery business is fun and exciting but when you first started your business, did you stop to think about the business end of setting up your embroidery business?  You were excited because now you were going to do something that you...

2018 Embroidery Business Wrap Up!

2018 Embroidery Business Wrap Up!

It is time for our 2018 Embroidery Business Wrap Up!  We are about to say goodbye to 2018 and welcome to 2019!  This is the time when we need to look back on the old year and see what worked and what did not work!  What do you need to do in your personal life or...

“When Should I Hire Someone To Help Me?”

“When Should I Hire Someone To Help Me?”

Have you said to yourself: I am running out of time in my business and I cannot do it all myself anymore. I think that I need someone to help me with my work, but where do I begin and when should I hire someone to help me? Before you decide to hire someone to help,...

How To Set Up My Embroidery Business Structure

How To Set Up My Embroidery Business Structure

How can I set up my Embroidery Business Structure?  What consists of a good Embroidery Business Structure? Before you can actually start offering your embroidery as a business there are a few items that need to be in place in order to have a successful embroidery...

Do You See Holes In Garments After Embroidery?

Do You See Holes In Garments After Embroidery?

Do you ever see with holes in garments after embroidery? Do you know how to prevent holes in garments from embroidery?  Once the holes are there, it is very hard to repair them, sometimes impossible.  Yes, many times this can be done, but the time that it takes is...

Embroidery Design Customer Approval Form

Embroidery Design Customer Approval Form

Do you have a signed Embroidery Design Customer Approval Form as one of the required steps in your embroidery job process? Do you ever finish an embroidery job for a customer only to find out that the colors were not exactly what the customer wanted and then we will...

Are You Charging Enough For Embroidery?

Are You Charging Enough For Embroidery?

Are you charging enough for embroidery to pay all of the bills, make a profit and have some extra set aside for growth?  This is an struggle that most embroiderers deal with every day and cannot seem to get on top of it.  They do not know how to charge or where to...